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Andre Schuetz - simplicity to go - simplicist, minimalism, creativity

Andre Schütz is fascinated by simplicity, minimalism and processes of creativity. He is interested to combine and evolve these concepts with our modern life to reach more clarity in a complex world.
Besides, he’s software engineer and prospective writer living in Rostock, Germany.

Why did I start with minimalism and landed at simplicity

started with simplicity - simplicitytogo - Andre Schütz

Last week, someone asked me exactly that question: “Why did you start with simplicity and minimalism?”.

Good question. Fair question. Easy question.


Because this is exactly, what I thought about during the last 3-4 years.

Let me explain.

Everything comes together

As I heard about minimalism, I was totally curious. Most of the aspects of minimalism fit perfectly with many of my own ideas of life.

But … I was not totally convinced.

I am a person of balance and that means, I try to avoid extreme situations. Therefore, I do not reduce my ownings to the minimum like other minimalists do it regularly.

Don’t get me wrong. I try to declutter as much as possible and buy only items that make a meaning to me. Relevance and quality over meaningslessness and quantity.

But not at any price.

What are my expectations?

I believe that the path of simplicity has a lot of positive effects to my life. To the life of all of us, if we choose to live it.

Some are:

  • Staying motivated for a long time and learn new habits, ideas and tools every single day.
  • Reduce the stress by concentrating on the really relevant projects that make me happy and are important to me.
  • Increase my productivity because my focus is totally to the projects that are most important to me.
  • Thinking about my life and determine the really relevant goals in my life. I am happy that I found out, what really makes me happy. Writing books, creating this blog and implementing software for people that makes the life a little bit easier.
  • Less interruptions by trash tv or meaningless tasks. 🙂

To round it up.

Simplicity is one way to simplify our life and make it more sustainable by better ideas, habits and solutions.

Andre Schütz

In the end, it is a body & mind transformation.

Mind transformation

Be more patient with other people.

I am a very impatient person and the idea of simplicity and minimalism helps me to shift my mind to a more relaxed life.

Moreover, I see simplicity and minimalism as a process which never ends.

You start at a point in your life and adapt your behavior depending on your personal experiences and goals.

I will document my journey of simplicity and minimalism on this blog. It will hopefully a long trip with many interesting learning processes and individual findings.

See ya.