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Andre Schuetz - simplicity to go - simplicist, minimalism, creativity

Andre Schütz is fascinated by simplicity, minimalism and processes of creativity. He is interested to combine and evolve these concepts with our modern life to reach more clarity in a complex world.
Besides, he’s software engineer and prospective writer living in Rostock, Germany.

Slowing down life makes us faster (video)

Slowing down life makes us faster - simplicitytogo - Andre Schütz

We want to be fast? We want to be productive?

But why?

To have more time for the things that are really relevant to us (our life goals) and bring joy to our live. To have more time for relaxation and to regain energy.

But, how can we become more productive? Doing more?


By doing the counterpart.

Hear some tips for slowing down and living the life that you really want to live.

You will learn:

  • Why is being too fast counterproductive
  • Slower means more concentration to your important tasks
  • Allow yourself to be imperfect
  • Some tips for slowing down your life!

As always, I would be thankful if you follow me on my YouTube account or on Instagram and hope to see a lot of questions and comments.

Sit back, relax and grab a drink.

See ya.