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Andre Schuetz - simplicity to go - simplicist, minimalism, creativity

Andre Schütz is fascinated by simplicity, minimalism and processes of creativity. He is interested to combine and evolve these concepts with our modern life to reach more clarity in a complex world.
Besides, he’s software engineer and prospective writer living in Rostock, Germany.

Simplicity and minimalism diary #2

Simplicity and minimalism - Andre Schütz - Diary #2

Welcome back to my Simplicity and minimalism diary.

The second month as simplicist and minimalist started with some more decluttering and reading about habits that let us be more successful in reaching our goals. (Read about my first month or see the video)

I removed some more stacks of paper and if I grabbed some item at home, I thought about its usefulness. If I had no use of it anymore, I donated it, sold it or threw it away (depends on the item).

Additionally, I reduced the opportunities to buy some food for lunch. I prepared the meals at home and took them with me to work. This is a lot more work during the evening, but you will have more money in your wallet. Really.

Intermittent Fasting – my journey starts

During the last three weeks, I started with intermittent fasting. In my case, I eat the last snack at 19:30pm and the next meal at lunch time during the next day. That means 16 hours of no food and 8 hours for eating my lunch, a snack and dinner.

Already after this short amount of time, I can say, that it really improves my life. I feel more energized and concentrated during the morning. For me, that really works well. Others are maybe not that happy, if they can not eat something in the morning.

And, I skip it on saturday and sunday morning. At these times, I eat the breakfast with the rest of the family. This is important for me. Do what makes you happy. Important sentence.


Additionally, I finished the design of simplicitytogo and wrote the first essays about simplicity and minimalism.

I feel very pleased to do this. It makes me happy and I integrate the whole lifestyle into my life. No additional work – just live.

In the future, I want to create more essays and also finish my first book. I already have a first draft, but want to rewrite some of the parts.

More videos about simplicity

Moreover, also my YouTube channel changed into this format. My current and also the coming videos will be about simplicity, creativity and minimalism. This transformation is only logical and completes my journey.

If you are interested, just visited the channel and write some comments to the videos. I will answer. Definitely.

See ya.